An Adventure: My Final Catch-Up Blog

Trips are fun and I do so enjoy driving on Freeways--as opposed to back roads. I feel safer and can go so much faster; much the opposite of beloved husband. So, here I am, driving 65 mph, along with other traffic on Interstate 465, middle lane, on the way home from The Daughter's. Life's Good; I'm happy and he is resting. Around me speeds a red pick up loaded with furniture-know where I'm going with this?-and I comment to The Husband, "I don't feel comfortable behind this dude full of furniture with his straps blowing in the breeze." I begin to move to the right lane even though he is in the far left. However, the 2- 18 wheelers behind me were there first so I am waiting and signaling.
No sooner have I said that when, sure enough, the whole living room of furniture comes flying out of the truck across all of the lanes. I love red couches, really I do but it is very scary having one heading toward ones windshield!!! Thank God for 18 Wheelers, those anyway, who slowway down and let me fly over to the berm barely missing the couch!
The Dad was wonderful. He didn't yell at me or anything; simply said "Go right!" which was what I was doing but he said later that he thought I looked uncertain about what to do--and he was right but that was the only option I had.
It's amazing what you notice in circumstances like that: I noticed that all 4 of the spindle legs on the couch were still intact and they were sliding on the pavement very nicely. I noticed the 2 chairs, and many, many pillows flying all around.
I drive on down the road and it isn't until many miles later that I think, "Omigosh, I should at least have stopped and offered to help!" How's that for a Bad Samaritan Story?! I did notice the guy stopping and getting out. I say a prayer for them and we discuss the dialogue probably going on in the truck at the time and I drive on noticing every loaded vehicle for the rest of the trip. I do hope the couple is still together and alive. Should I have stopped? I don't know. I didn't and that's it for now. Can't change it now, can I? Sorry. No real pictures!!!