Well, when I took the test below, it had me copy and paste a bunch of letters, etc. which I did but when I posted it, it didn't come out. I think I will never really learn all this but blogging is fun anyway.
That is supposed to say how many 5 year olds I could take out in a fight but it doesn't look like anything in this form (at least the form it finds itself while I am writing. Perhaps when I publish it that will make it show). Anyway, why on earth would i want to????!! I am ashamed to say (well, if I were too ashamed, I wouldn't have taken that test from the Son's blog, now would I?), I could take out 2. I should be ashamed of myself!!! Wonder which 2. On second thought, there are a couple.....
And by the way, my spiritual type, like the Son's, is Lover. Brian, how do i put that on my blog so maybe someone else could try it?