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Musings from Mama

Sunday, April 18, 2010

This week in Travels

Whew! I figured out my blogging problem and am back in business. Last week we made a quick trip to Tn. to see the Dogwood Trails. They boast 60 miles of dogwood trails in and around Knoxville. Absolutely breathtaking!!! Had a few problems in that we stayed too far away, and I got sick Thurs. when we planned to shop and I got almost no shopping done. Oh well, got a couple of things. Couldn't go to Clingman's Dome cause the road was closed--not sure for repairs or ice, but we did see ice on the roadside around there.

We spent 2 days driving just looking at the pretty flowers! Redbuds and dogwoods and many other flowers were in abundance. Thanks to Kathy Wheeler who called me and said 2 words: "They're OUT!!" My little bags were packed and jobs parcelled out so fast!!

Yeah, The Dad went along and drove a LOT (and was a bit grouchy). We found out a few places in the old home place that needed more dogwoods. Yesterday, he went and bought a pink one!! I was opting for lining the driveway with dogwoods and redbuds but at $22.90 for one, I guess that isn't an option right now. And would you believe, I got "dogwooded out" by the end of the trip. We didn't even go to the last 2 on the list!
Have the greatest day and God bless one and all who read this!!

Monday, February 01, 2010


Finally I have one project completely done! I finished the last of the little Raggedy Andy shirts to give to the little girl to whom I gave the dolls. I'm so glad. Now I have nothing sitting on, or in, my sewing machine waiting for attention. It's been a long time. And I cleaned out my drawer that I had all that stuff in. Have gotten rid of most of my excess fabric--so when I pass on to Glory, my survivors won't have to wonder what on earth to do with all Mother's fabric. Except for..I have a pretty green piece of silky fabric that The Daughter thought she might need one day. Hummm, we bought it when she married, think she still might want it??? Now she sews better than I!
Only other major project I remember needing to do, and I'm working on it, is print photos of our London trip to add to my scrapbook. I'd say it is about time!! I will probably have to send a photo now and then to The Doctor to find out what it is!!
Oh well, off to learn more about Word (and give The Dad the Internet).
God's blessings!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Crisis---AGAIN!!!

Oh No!! Whatever shall I do??? My Home publishing no longer works!! I tried uninstalling it--many times; tried re-installing it--also many times and even tried instlling the Express version and it refuses to work. I am sooooo upset cause all my cards are there (and I hvae 257 of them or thereabouts).

The Dad finally came up with a solution but it is pitifully long: I put them on my flash drive or whatever that little thing is called; then put them on the laptop, print it to xps or something like that, then I can take it to the real computer and print from there. Takes a very long time but won't lose the babies' books or my favorite cards I made.

And he says it is no longer even available!!! My little heart is broken!!

I suppose I will learn to use Publisher which I don't like at all--Oh, I jsut realized all my Camp brochures are on that program too. I think I will just go crawl into a hole and cry.

Well, I do feel better physically right now. Think I will just go watch my NEW Chonda Pierce DVD TheDad got me!! He's goooooooood.

God's Blessings to all.

Monday, January 11, 2010

And a Picture to prove it

And here I am again--trying to ski but not really enough snow. But enough for a picture!

Saturday, January 09, 2010


At last we did it!! We got to go skiing!! The snow wasn't very deep and we didn't do it very long but the fact remains that we did it!! I'm very excited and now don't have to pray for another snow--my friends down here will be very pleased with that announcement--but it was sooooooo much fun!

I didn't go far: just a couple of times around the back 1/4 of our yard; I wore out, my wrists hurt and I got much too hot but it was fun. The Dad skiied down the big hill to get the mail and said, "I only sat down once on the way down." Then he was even able to ski back up!! I wore a cuddle dud top, heavy sweater and fleece top and got very hot on the top--bottom was fine--so tomorow, I will just wear the sweater. Great exercise. I will TRY not to pray for more snow. Should have had the Dad take my picture--maybe tomorrow!!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Nicer One

Well, since I published a frustrated post, I need to do a nice one: and I have plenty to be grateful for!

Had a wonderful, fantastic, and every nice word I have Thanksmasgiving with all the family here! Love it when that happens!! Found a great Christmas gift for the adult kids that they liked and we did too (and we got to have the children which was an added pleasantry). The little guys are so wonderful and fun!! Gramps and I had a great time, though, when he was asked to baby-sit, he kinda had a bit of ummm, shall we say, ummm "forgetfulness." OK, so they got away with murder but it was funny too!! Once, I went downstairs to call them to dinner and the Christmas ornaments were strewn all over the rooms and the boys were jumping on the beds. Gramps? He was reading!!!! I had to laugh!!

Wheeeee!! And my photo came right up! Oh, I am sooooo happy with my new internet server!! Well, yeah, they are eating cookies for snack. Guess Granny let them get away with stuff too!

Well now, let's see if this one gets through.

God Bless you, one and all.


For 3 days now I have been trying to change this account to reflect my new address. Can't do it. Hope the help line is more helpful than I am afraid it will be. Wouldn't let me tell the problem so we'll see. KIDS: PLEASE HELP!!!! I can make the change, but when they say they will send email verifying it, I never get it in either of my places. Went on and tried to fill out their forms but don't have enough words allowed on the comment section to explain the problem!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Back Again!

Wow!! I didn't realize it'd been so long! Well, now grief camp is over and I am breathing again. It was fun and a lot of hard work but all worth it when the kids didn't want to leave--after a 9 hr. day in which the adults were dead on their feet. I am so very grateful for all those wonderful people who volunteered their whole Sat. to making those little kids' lives better.

Our evaluation time was great--everyone agreed that the day was too long and too much moving stuff--so it will be much improved next year. One dear, sweet lady, during the eval. asked, "Is this just critique or may we say something positive?" Can't tell you how good that sounded!!!

Camp was good and though there were a few tears we had much laughter and the kids, though there weren't many, bonded with each other and the grown ups. All the girls asked me if they could help when they became teens. One little girl last year commented when her grandfather died: "Well, now I get to go back to Camp Butterfly!" One terribly shy little guy who didn't even respond well to the 2 guy-assistants, found a friend in a retired teacher-a recent widow-who knew just how to relate to him. By the time camp was over, he was even being a bit mischievous.

Now I am looking forward to posting our England trip--when Teen camp is over! No, really, I think I can get to it now. Am looking forward to that! We had a most wonderful time and it was worth the flying to be there!! We are so proud of little David for getting his PhD! But that's next!

God bless everyone!